Friday, March 2, 2012

Chocolate layer cake

This is actually from a recipe for cupcakes, from one of my favourite baking books, the Hummingbird bakery cake days book. but I like it better as a big cake with jam between the layers and lots of yummy chocolate icing, mmmmm!

80g (3oz) butter/Marg
280g (10oz) sugar
200g (7oz) plain flour
40g (1 ½ oz) cocoa powder
1 tbsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
240ml (8 ½fl oz) milk (not skimmed)
2 eggs

Preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F and heavily grease three circular sandwich tins.

Use an electric mixer (or, if you don’t have one use a fork) and beat the butter, sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt (if using an electric mixer use the slowest setting and beware of the powder going everywhere) until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Pour the milk into a jug, add the eggs and whisk together with a fork.
Pour three-quarters of this mixture into the dry ingredients and beat/mix lightly until all the ingredients are combined and then increase the speed, scraping down the sides of the bowl. Add in the rest of the milk mixture and keep mixing until everything is combined again, and the mixture is nice and smooth.

Use a spatula to pour the batter into the three tins, try to get an even amount in each. Bake for about 18 minutes, then check them, if they aren’t done, leave them in for a few more minutes and check again. To check if it’s done, put a butter knife into the middle of one of the sponges, and if it comes out clean, they’re done!
Let them cool in the tins, and then loosen them with a knife to get them out. Leave to cool for a further 10 minutes or so on a cooling rack.

If you need to, level off the tops of two of the cakes with a bread knife to make the cake more even. Sandwich the cakes with any jam you like (I prefer red jam) in-between the layers and ice the cake on top and the sides with chocolate icing which will be in tomorrow’s blog post!
Yup, it’s a two part-er.

See you tomorrow! Let me know if you try the cake, and if you like it. Personally, it’s my favourite. J


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