Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Quick n' easy Polka-dot nails

Hi guys! Haven't been around for ever, I know, sorry!
But, I'm back with a nail look/NotD, which I did in literally 10-15 minutes. The ONLY thing that takes any time is letting the nail varnish dry in-between coats. So, with out further a do, let's get started!

The Varnishes I used were my trusty BarryM top coat, base coat and nail hardener, Essie pink nail varnish in Infatuation and a W7 white nail varnish.

After applying your base coat, go ahead and paint your nails with two coats of your base colour, I've chosen this pink Essie polish.

Then, After all that is dry, take a tooth pick (blunt it by pushing it against the table or something) and some scrap paper. blob some of your white nail varnish onto the paper, and dip the tip of the tooth pick into said blob. then dot all over you nails and let it all dry!

Feel free to finish off with a top coat and there you are! Done.

Of course, this could be done with any colour combination, blue and white, I think, would look really pretty as well. :)
Hope you all enjoyed this quick post and hopefully I'll have another one up soonish!
