Friday, February 17, 2012

Review: OCC Lip tar

So I got one of the Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics lip tars in Memento, which is fairly similar to my natural lip colour. I could have opted for a crazy colour, like blue, or black, or orange, but I eventually decided to go with one I would actually wear.

                                            Please ignore the grossness of this photo xD

So let's look at the product quality. I was out all day when I tried this, and in the evening had two hours of dancing, so it was really put to the test. It looked almost exactly the same as when I had put it on that morning at four, maybe five in the afternoon, but by the time I got home from dancing it had come off slightly. However, the colour was still there, and I had just been dancing for two hours!

You literally need the tiniest bit of this product when you're applying. if you didn't need so little the size of the tube might be a problem (It's pretty small, with any other lip product it wouldn't last at all).

The pigmentation is great, and very true to the colour in the bottle I also really like the matte finish, as I find it nicer than gloss or glitter.

Now, the packaging. As I mentioned before, the tube is rather small. However, you need such a teeny amount this doesn't really matter. If you unscrew the lid, it has a deceptive top, like that of a lip gloss tube, which you would put straight onto your lips. Don't. With this you need a lip brush, otherwise you'll use way too much product and will end up with a gloopy mess.

The Lip tar Retails for £8.99 on line.

On top of all this, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics are a vegan brand!

I like the overall look of this product, and I can understand all the hype. Bravo OCC!

Have you tried OCC lip tars? If so what do you think of them? And if not, do think you might in the future?


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