Saturday, January 28, 2012

Today’s manicure, Pink French zebra

So I haven’t exactly been active on my blog lately… (woops) but I’m trying to get back into it.
I thought I’d start off with some easy posts like LOTDs and Nails. Obviously there will be non beauty as well, but that’s usually cooking, which takes more time. :P

Right, let’s get down to it. Last night I played around with nail varnish and ended up with this:

With practice I will hopefully be able to master the zebra print, this was a first try so it’s quite shaky.
But, with a steady hand I think this looks quite effective, without being too over the top.

I always like French tips when I want to paint my nails, but have recently had a strong colour and my nails need a rest as you only paint the very tips. Of course you could do a pink, nude or peach tone base coat, but I prefer natural (much easier :P).

(bit shaky, sorry) I used this bright baby pink from a set I got for Christmas (it doesn’t have a name).

And this 17 black nail varnish in nightshade.

Just use the tape trick, a coat or two of the pink on the tips, leave to dry and I just free styled the black over the top with a toothpick. You could do any pattern you like really, even black crackle. But I find zebra print quite cool. J

I then just finished off with my trusty barrym base coat, top coat and nail hardener.
Let me know in the comments if you try this mani out, and if you like it or not.


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