Monday, July 25, 2011

My new book series and pictures from the first story

Hi every one!
So, my idea for a new series was to read small children's short stories, a bit like an audio tape, but with pictures.

The first story I read was from the 'Lucie Attwell's Annual' from 1973 which was my mums book when she was little. it's filled with short short stories with gorgeous pictures by Mabel Lucie Attwell.

Here are some pictures from the book and the first story, which I read in my video.

                           Here is the brilliantly seventies front cover! :o)
                                           'The birthday tent'
        'When Joanna woke up the following Saturday, it was drenching with rain.'
'The prizes were presented by the Lord Mayor, Mr. Badger, outside Joanna's tent.'

 I Hope you've had fun looking through some of the illustrations from this story, and if you haven't already, why not check out the video where I read the story they go with? Please give me feed back, as to whether it was good or if you have any suggestions on how to make it better! Here's the video:

And here's the link, if you want to watch it on youtube:


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