Thursday, June 30, 2011

The birthday Chronicles pt. 1

My birthday adventures so far...
So, today is my birthday!!
First thing this morning my sister had a surprise for me... we went to oxford!! We spent most of the day walking around, going in and out of shops,  having a picnic lunch and searching for a cafe and a hill. When we eventually found the cafe we had baked goods (me a piece of chocolate cake, her a scone with cream and jam) and wondered back over to the railway station to catch our train (with reserved seats over a table, oo er!) back to Paddington, London.
She bought me a variation of lovely things, so thanks sis! :o)
I just thought I would share with you my birthday outing and let you know that I’m officially a teenager! Yay! :o) I hope you all have a lovely day, I know I did, I'll leave you with a picture from last years birthday trip, staying with my eldest sister and going to a roller disco...


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