Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chocolate Brownie Muffins, a recipe

Hey everyone!
So today we're going to be baking. Some people find baking boring, hard work and difficult. What I say to those people is; Give this recipe a try!! It's a brilliant chocolate muffin recipe which, as long as you pay attention is as easy as pie.


125g Dark chocolate (I just used cooking chocolate)

125g Butter (stalk works perfectly)

2 1/2  cups plane flower 

4 level teaspoons baking powder

1/3 cup cocoa

1 1/4 cups sugar

1 1/4 cups milk

2 eggs

1. Place the chocolate and butter in a heat proof (pirex) bowlor in the top of a double boiler. Sit over a pan of simmering water.
2. Stir constantly until the mixture is smooth. Remove from the heat. It actually helps to put the bowl on the saucepan before it's simmering, it helps it warm up, just make sure to check for over bubbling!

3. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Greece 12 deep muffin tins heavily, including rims.
4. Sift the flower, baking powder and cocoa into a large bowl. Stir in the sugar. At thisd point you could add something extra, like chopped nuts or something.
5. In another (smaller) bowl whisk together the milk and eggs.
6. Pour the chocolate mixture and milk over the dry ingredients. Mix lightly until it's all just combined. Do NOT over mix, your muffins will have a harder time rising, and will be heavier.
7. Divide the mixture between the prepared tins, I like to put about two soup spoons full in each tin, to let them rise. Bake for twenty mins. 
If you have some left over mixture (I had plenty!) you can do one of two things, one, is to use more muffin tins or, a sandwich tin and make a thin cake!! :o)

Unfortunately, everything got eaten before I could take a picture, but a good way to serve them is on a nice plate stacked in a pyramid shape, with icing sugar.
You can, of course also ice them if you wish. beware, they REALLY rise, because of all the baking powder.

I hope you enjoyed this little post, if you make these muffins, let me know how you got on in the comments!! :o)


P.S. My famblie say that they where delicious! x 

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